Life and Career Coaching for Pharmacists

When Life and Career Coaching For Pharmacist may be the right choice. . .

You are looking for change or unmet needs in your career.
You need clarity on if a new job opportunity is right for you. You want to improve your relationship with work or achieve new professional goals.
you are trying to leave work at work and optimize your personal time.

Coaching can help you with a variety of goals, and EP&C coaches have likely stood in your shoes. We know how hard this next step can be and we want to see you succeed.

There has never been a more challenging time to be a health professional. Yet, despite all the challenges, being a health practitioner can be one of the most rewarding and enriching parts of our identities. This tension can create unique obstacles for pharmacists wishing to change or address their personal and professional needs.

Supporting New Practitioners

In addition to supporting practice development goals, coaching can help you achieve your goals regarding. . .

Residency and job applications / interview preparation
Improving trust within your team
Managing work-life balance
Identifying and achieving non-professional goals
Providing accountability for professional goals (promotion, scholarship, etc)
Improving professional communication skills

Ask about special coaching packages for residency and first-job interview support!