Career Coaching for Pharmacy Students


Career Coaching for Pharmacy Students

Pharmacy schools are great at preparing students to take board exams and complete pharmacy practice rotations. Meanwhile, teaching how to navigate the job market, identify a career path, and prepare for job applications are rarely a focus. This is why career coaching for pharmacy students can be so valuable. Working with a professional coach provides students with individualized guidance and feedback to achieve their goals no matter the direction they wish to pursue.

In addition to offering the classic job prep services. . .

. . . Creating effective CVs
. . . Writing engaging letters of intent
. . . Developing a networking and job search strategy
. . . Negotiating compensation packages

Career Coaching provides pharmacy students with insights on. . .

. . . Engaging in professional development and goal attainment
. . . Developing self-awareness in a safe, judgement-free environment
. . . Balancing professional and personal life obligations
. . . Developing their professional brand
. . . Addressing previous challenges and demonstrating growth through experience

What to expect from individual coaching

Virtual sessions with a practicing health professional and certified professional coach

Debrief recent challenges and create new strategies for success

Identify upcoming challenges and plan for success

Monitor your progress towards achieving your goals

Practice and refine your professional communication skills

Fee Structure for Student Clients

The rates below are for individual students and trainees working with us directly and not through a school-based contract. We can offer sliding scale or discounts for students who a are working towards their first entry-level position within their chosen health professional field.

When working with students directly, we have the flexibility to work on your goals at your pace. For students who are part of a school-client agreement, we will work to meet the specific needs and outcomes assigned to you by your academic program.

EP&C does not offer third-party billing via insurance. Student clients are expected to pay per session of according to an individualized payment plan aggreged up on between the coach and the student. Packages and coaching bundles can be customized based on the student’s available budget.


First Meeting


Initial virtual or in-person meeting to explore if EP&C is the right fit for you and your needs. We will discuss why you decided to contact us and we will determine together if an ongoing relationship would be beneficial for you.

Individual Coaching Sessions


Average cost range $75 - $100/session
Typically conducted virtually, coaches work with students to identify current challenges, progress towards goal achievement, discuss upcoming concerns, and proactively refine professional skills. If requested by your school or program, we can develop formal learning plans and reports on your progress.

Asynchronous Work


$0.00 (Included)
We’ll both have some homework from time to time. Your coach will be prepared for each session and you may be asked to do some extra work to prepare for your next session as well. At times, coaches and clients may be in communication via email in-between sessions.